Battery frame & bits to go for galvanising |
Battery frame |
Motor hanging mount at top. Torque support nearest |
After quite some time (2 months) , I figure it was time to update this blog.
First piece of action was to get all the welded bits etc. galvanised , both for the protection this will give but also from an aesthetic point of view.
after passivation |
Here are the bits returned in gold passivation - Nice eh?
I got extra pieces of randon steel done as well - You never know! |
Note the motor support - problems came later when I couldn't get the left side 1/2 shaft past this! Bugger!
Battery box - inside the "runners" I have laid a strip of closed cell foam on the base - the full length (20mm wide) and at each end.

Mounted basically where the rear seats would have been. I also obtained some floor matting from a wrecker. This has been glued to the bare floor again , where the back seat was .
And here is what it might look more like once batteries are mounted.
The 20 mm closed cell foam is in the bottom of the guides (grey colour)